
Showing posts from August, 2024

Created to Be: wHoly You

Below is a sermon I preached at opening worship at the tAble, a pre-event to the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering. It was based on Psalm 139 which grounded our time together as we explored how we are created to be wHoly.  Grace, peace, and mercy be to you from God our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. Amen.  Wow. The day is finally here, the day we have been waiting for, working for, praying for, is finally here. We are gathered here, in this space, with each other because we all share something in common, we are all created to be wholy. We are created to be authentic, created to be free, created to be one, created to be claimed by our Creator as beloved.  Over these next few days, we will take time to explore what it means to be created. What it means to be loved by a God who took such care in creating us that we are not only named but that we are claimed as beloved. Exploring what it means to be created means we will get a chance to explore who we are, who our neighbors are, who we are as a