

I am Mack, a young adult who is following God’s call to ordained ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Originally from Colorado, I did my undergrad at Midland University in Fremont, NE, and found a home in the Nebraska Synod. During my senior year of college, I came out as transgender and began the journey of living authentically me. After college, I headed to Dubuque, IA to attend Wartburg Theological Seminary. It was an exciting time as I was for the first time living fully as a male and getting to be involved in a worship-centered community.

I graduated from Wartburg in May of 2018 and spent the next year waiting for my first call. At the end of May, a call from Grace Place Campus Ministry at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL was extended to me and I graciously accepted. I began my ministry there on August 1, 2019, and was ordained in the ELCA on September 7, 2019, at Holy Love Lutheran Church in Aurora, CO.

In August of 2022, I was invited to join the staff of the Northern Illinois Synod as Assistant to the Bishop for Communications half-time. This has given me the opportunity to connect my love for the church and my love for technology. I get to tell the stories of the synod through a variety of means. I concluded my call at Grace Place Campus Ministry in December 2022. In that transition, I moved more full-time in the synod and was extended an opportunity to serve quarter-time at First Lutheran Church in DeKalb, IL as Pastor for Youth and Communications. 

Nothing I write is a reflection of the congregation or community I am a part of nor is it a reflection of the ELCA as a whole. I write honest reflections but I understand that I am a beloved child of God who is and will always be a sinner. God’s grace is enough for all, even the worst sinner amongst us. 


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